Why You Should Live With A Conscious Mind.

Hey 👋

I hope you’re doing something crazy out there.

and I guess

I would start this newsletter by asking you a question.


Do you think you are hypnotized right now?


You are hypnotized right now and you don’t even know.

that’s the “bad” news and the good news? you can reverse the spell that has been cast on you since your birth.

sounds more like voodoo stuff you say

as you are SO hypnotized - You’re still under the impression that you are NOT hypnotized.

as a result you:

lose touch with the present moment (immediacy) and have a ‘program’ installed inside you (either consciously or unconsciously) which you then take to be your ‘idea’ and carry out in your everyday life (for good or bad).

the big problem here?

these programs are not only destructive but also play a role in helping you live a mediocre life instead of an authentic one.

making you not only lose touch with the present but also with the character you are equipped with, in this world,

the state of hypnosis makes your life way harder than it actually is:

whenever you try to create something - you get an excuse ~instantly

By having thoughts such as:

  • "Don’t you know 9/10 businesses fail?"

  • "Business building is hard and difficult"

  • "Nothing good ever happens for me."

Then it leads to you:

  • Being delusional

  • Not happy with their life

  • In a state of constant regret

  • Not able to come to a sensible logic

  • Living someone’s else dream instead of your own

  • Can’t differentiate between what’s right and what’s wrong.

The mind typically plays to the extremes, but now bring it back to more practical, everyday land and ask yourself:

What about the son of immigrant parents who gets told from an early are that the only respectable career path is to become a doctor, lawyer, or engineer and thus grows up to become one of those professionals… is he hypnotized?

What about the news watcher who’s constantly being bombarded with stories of violence, rage, and terror and thus takes that to be the truth of the world… is he hypnotized?


Is the person who wakes up every morning to rush through breakfast, sit in rush hour traffic, do soul-crushing work, and repeat for 40+ years while making his boss rich in the process (as his dreams and aspirations fall to the wayside) hypnotized?

there are countless examples such as these.

so the question comes:

how the F*** do you undo that?

so let’s first uncover - what it means to reverse the spell:

Get back in touch with the present moment (immediacy) and delete the installed ‘program’ so you can consciously play your character, giving rise to an authentic life (that is true to you).

and here's how you do that.

Tapping into the present

This is the most important practice and without this practice, you will remain in the state of hypnosis - and far from seeing the reality from the neutral perspective aka (the truth).

here’s what you do:

  • Feel your feet on the floor.

  • Feel your breath go in and out.

  • Feel the contact your hands make with the objects you touch.

  • Feel your body from the inside out.

now this is what brings up the presence practice and the main purpose of it is to get you out of the mind - so throughout the day, you want to practice being present to yourself and your surroundings.

In addition, it’s useful to:

  • perform meditation

  • aimless nature walk

Both of these with help you get in touch with the present moment (the immediacy)

next is…

Contrast Practice

After you do the presence practice and you start becoming more present to yourself and your immediate environment, you’ll quickly notice something interesting:

What’s happening in the immediacy is quite different from what your mind is telling you is happening.

for example:

You could be on a podcast, and what’s happening is you’re in a conversation with the podcast host.

What your mind would be telling you happening is that the podcast host is judging you and questioning why on earth he invited you onto his podcast.

The former of what’s actually happening.

The latter is what the hypnotic program is making you believe (because you may have an unconscious spell running from early childhood that makes you believe you’re unintelligent and everything you say is wrong).

In these situations, you simply want to notice the ‘contrast’ between reality and hypnotic mental programs.

Truly see the difference as clearly as possible (it can be helpful to ask yourself: "What’s actually happening now?" and "What is my mind telling me is happening?").

Reality Practice

Pay more attention to reality (immediate environment) and giving less attention to your mind (and what it’s saying).

One way of doing this is by listing out 5-10 things that are currently happening such as I feel the sound of my breath, I hear the sound of birds chirping, I feel myself seated on the chair, and so on. This will anchor your consciousness and ground you back into what is.

What this will ultimately lead to is the collection of new ‘evidence’ that conflicts with your hypnotic mind program and shatters these spells altogether (with time).

back to our podcast example:

Let’s say instead of listening to the mind program that tells you that you’re unintelligent and the podcast host is judging you

and endlessly and questioning why he invited you on (and taking on that reality/experience).

you cease giving that attention and bring your attention to the podcast host and the conversation unfolding before you.

Then at the end, he tells you:

"Bro that was one of the best conversations I’ve ever had on the pod!"

Now this ‘evidence’ will ‘conflict’ with your mind-made program and you’ll start to realize:

"Ah, maybe what the mind is telling me actually isn’t the truth about myself and reality at all!"

This, in return, will give you more courage to choose reality instead of the hypnotized mind the next time. The more you do, the more liberated you will become and the more awesome life will get as a result.

that’s it!

Now what?

Once you’ve turned the presence, contrast, and reality practice into a daily (moment-by-moment) habit, you’ll have started to reverse the hypnosis.

And open yourself back up to the magic of the present moment and the life before you that is begging to be lived

and staying away from things that takes away your mental clarity, and you exactly know what that is.


Your world is what you pay attention to.

- william James.


Until next week, 

Follow Your Obsession :)