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  • Why Self-Directed Learners Are Better Than Most Of Us.

Why Self-Directed Learners Are Better Than Most Of Us.

In school or college, did you ever take a class on self-education? A class that helped you learn how to learn?

Never did I.

From childhood, I questioned certain things, I questioned things, which others seemed I was crazy for asking.

The fact about school that I hated were:

When we try to understand, we're told to memorize and we like to seek out knowledge on our own and yet we were given things in a ready-made form.

A few years later, I looked up the internet world and soon became curious about it.

down the line, I learned to:

  • Make blogs

  • Create websites

  • Edit videoes

  • and now to write about things, I'm interested about

I was doing exactly the opposite the school was teaching -which is to learn by self rather than to be dependent on others.

Don't depend on the school system to teach you things -rather be self-motivated and a bit curious - and you can learn anything that you cannot be taught in school.

so what's the issue here?

people are never taught "how to learn" - which is therefore "Self-Directed Learning".

The reason why most people end up:

  • being mediocre

  • living a decent life

  • not finding their life purpose

  • not able to live our their dreams

  • not able to solve their own problem

  • being unhappy about what they are doing

and the list goes on...

We talk for hours and hours about a topic, and still can't come to a sensible conclusion, we forget about the things we did a moment ago.

Doing things without much thought and feeling quite numb and wondering about it at night to change it - but then still doing the same things day in and day out without questioning the why?

If they don't have what you want, don't listen to what they say. There is no greater waste of time than justifying your action to have a life that you don't want

- Alex Hormozi

we struggle to adapt and feel like we are making progress but in the end, we make no progress - we are where we were before, not even ending up a single step forward.

we do things that never interest us, and never will - but still put our energy and time into it - we do things that others put on us, without giving a thought to it.

In moments like this, we face a choice: do we give in to an authority that claims to know what's best for us, do we stand up for what we believe is right and important?

- Blake Boles

what if... just what if - there's a different perspective to it.

The advantage of being self-directed learners over others :

  • solve their own problems

  • become their own teachers

  • be leaders in their own lives

  • work on interesting problems

  • collaborate and connect with others

self-directed learners have a purpose in and not apart from itself.

- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

These people need very few material possession and little entertainment, comfort, and fame because the things they are doing is already rewarding them in a way.

Because such people experience flow in work, interacting with people, when eating, and even when they have nothing to do - because they are less dependent on external rewards that keep others motivated to do the things they are doing.

As they are autonomous and independent, they cannot be manipulated with threats and rewards from the outside.

- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The secret sauce behind self-directed learners isn't much of a secret at all.

Only difference between you and them is that they have figured out these 3 things:

  • Autonomy

  • Mastery

  • Purpose

1. Autonomy :

Autonomy refers to Independence or freedom, as of the will or one's actions.

Most of us do things that are given by others without ever questioning them and think that it is what we should do for the rest of our lives.

You need to stop listening to others and start listening to yourself.


because the problem today's generation faces is that we never listen to ourselves

we scroll on Instagram, and play music loud every day - and when asking for advice/opinions, we ask for opinions from others, but don't ask from ourselves.

all we think is that life is a big fat lottery from which we take tickets - scratch it and hope it one day, we will be successful.

now that's bullshit!

so the things you need to do is...

you need to self-educate yourself through:

  • Books

  • Podcasts

  • Youtube Videos

  • Expertise people

eg: If you want to learn sales - see the people who have been the best in sales, read their books, and listen to their YouTube videos and podcast.

You can learn from anywhere in this time and age, so learning shouldn't be an excuse.

2. Mastery:

Mastery refers to control or superiority over something.

Mastery over something can only be attained by doing a thing x number of times in the right way.

so what you do is

2.1 Choose The Right Mentor:

Choosing the right teachers will help you, to cut the time to mess around and end up in the wrong path.

As they have what you need, you might want to listen, learn from their mistakes, and understand their ideas, values, and beliefs.

2.2 Get Early Wins:

Getting wins early on is very crucial at the beginning because it makes you motivated and inspired.

When you're motivated, and you face a hard challenge - you won't feel it hard at all. The reason??

You're motivated - you can move the mountains if you want, just kidding (no, I'm not)

my point is:

If you do things practically, you will soon get positive feedback on that. which will motivate you to learn faster and help you to keep going and stay consistent.

3. Purpose:

Purpose refers to a reason for which something is done - one's purpose or aim; resolve to accomplish; intend; or plan.

It's like a ship with no destination - if you don't know where you go, you will never get there.

but once you know where you want to go - you direct your time, energy, and attention to execution to achieve that goal.

and that is why it is very crucial to define your sense of success, and what is that you wanna do.

Here are the steps to define your sense of purpose - you're looking for:

Ask yourself a question:

What do I want to create? or rather ask this “If failure didn’t exist and I could do and be anything - what would I want to experience?

don’t answer this question right away - half-heartedly

Instead, go out to nature or for a walk (without any intention of doing something)

and ask yourself the following question - remember that there is no lack or limit to the experience that you want to have.

don’t rush - give it some time, while questioning everything and everyone and being connected to everything around you.

If you have arrived here, congrats :)