The Reason You Are Unhappy

You are not unhappy because you can't do what you want - you are unhappy because you don't know what you want.

sounds familiar to the situation you're in right? maybe no?

The reason you are unhappy is that you are focused on the wrong things. you are focused on the outcome rather than the process.

The process is the prize - not the outcome.

You are unhappy because you ask for something you have not worked for. What you earn will come to you in the due time and process. So you must be focused on putting in your time, energy, and attention - to receive what you want.

That what a man sows - so shall he also reap.

There is no such thing as luck, only probabilities. You increase your probabilities - by increasing your input. Where you are today is purely and entirely based on your input of your life.

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

~ Issac Newton

Likewise - It's foolishness for a farmer to plant nothing and expect fruits in return. The same goes for you, you can't expect something when you don't put any input towards the outcome you want to achieve.

That what you input will receive an equal proportion.

Once you have achieved what you wanted to achieve. You will then realize that who you became in that season is a lot better than what you achieved.

Than to go out and take what is yours. You wait for the thing to happen to you without you putting any input, and that is not how things work.

You should work on things that serve your potential and creativity. Be an observer and you will find that everywhere you look, there is a pattern that repeats itself.

Expecting an output that we cannot control is foolishness.

We focus on things that we cannot control, and don't focus on things that we can control. That is:

  • When you show up

  • How much you work

  • The quality of your work

  • What you input in your mind

If you keep doing what you've always done, you will keep feeling how you've always felt.

Soon you will find that unhappiness arises from taking the 'Default Path' - the path that everyone is being assigned to right from their birth. The pathway that only benefits the one who assigns the path to you and not you.

The Default path way kinda looks like this

  • Go to school,

  • Get a job, and

  • Retire with barely enough money to survive.

The default pathway then not only takes over your consciousness.

The default path leads to so much comfortability that it makes you numb and takes away critical thinking.

You then not only do what "They" say but also lose the ability to question if something is wrong around you. In the end, the pain of living someone else's life outweighs, creating your own path.

You then think that the whole world is against you but it's not.

Question everything and anything, from your beliefs to society's beliefs. Don't become a slave to "their" programming. If you don't have a "Why" for doing something, then why are you doing it?

Your life, your reality is all perspective to seek to change it accordingly, create your own big goals to accomplish, and live out your own dreams -. Don't just become another cog in the machine, forge your ideal self - Be authentic.

Happiness is not something that comes to you directly or indirectly.

so happiness is a choice, It's in all of us. You can choose to be happy - when you are present - when you have no thought, you are happy.

The delusion we live in is that there is something out there that will make me happy and fulfilled forever.

Happiness is not a destination, it's a mindset. Adopt it, and you will experience joy in each moment.

Don’t waste your life away like it does not hold any value. your life existence is the greatest gift - try to learn, absorb, and experience as much as possible.

So my question to you is: What are you inputting in your mind, and in reality?


Until next week, 

Follow Your Obsession :)