How You Are Brainwashed

Hey 👋,

It’s wild out there isn’t it?

but before you read, it’s just a caution.

You might end up in a big loop-hole and never come back from it. So take everything I say with a grain of salt, please.

This newsletter is not for faint-hearted people and might alter your beliefs or perspectives on things.

Go ahead with caution.

You laugh at the idea of brainwashing, but you have fallen victim too.

Don't believe me?

Read on.

From politics to pop culture, their brainwashing propaganda is everywhere. They tell you it's for your own good, but it's not. Your desires, your politics, your habits - none of it is your own.

normally you would think that you are not brainwashed and everything you do is purely done by you consciously right?

and also you are not doing things by getting influenced by someone or something, right?


The world is literally designed in a way to carry out the plan for you

you have been brainwashed by a concept called "Active Measures"

so what it means is "To change the perception of reality of every individual to such an extent that despite the abundance of information, no one can come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their family, their community, and their country."

now this process is very slow - and is divided into 3 stages:

Stage 1: Demoralizing

This process takes about 15-20 years, why?

because that's the minimum number of years that it takes to educate one generation of students, and that is how you demoralize them.

that's why our education system is rigged - because they start by demoralizing the young generation of a nation, who are the greatest asset of the nation.

so if you deteriorate them - the society is also destroyed.

why not check out America - their core values are destroyed. Once it is done (you are then brainwashed into their thinking, on what they want you to act and think).

now this is what"Cognitive Dissonance" is - no matter then how much evidence you present them logically to convince them, you can't do it.

then the process is irreversible.

Stage 2: Destabilization

This process takes about 2-5 years to destabilize a nation.

these people do not care about your ideas or your pattern of consumption.

the only thing they care about is:

  • Economy

  • Foreign relation

  • Defense systems

where they push out the agenda of "dictatorship of the proletariat"


this picture will explain the concept in a more clear-cut way.

Stage 3: Crisis

It takes only 6 weeks to bring a country on a verse of a crisis

now does that ring a bell to you - to the recent crisis called covid-19?

where everything was brought down to shambles.


After a crisis with a change in power, structure, and economy - we come to a period of normalization.

Where they normalize this LGBTQ thing, the tax rate being high, and new virus coming out every 6 weeks.

Once it gets normalized - you will become so consumed in this that you will be unable to fight against it and lose your freedom.

what do you think freedom is free? No, it isn't. If you don't fight for it - It will just become an illusion for you.

— Charles Addams

that's why you should stop blindly listening to others and rather use your intelligence to see things around you and start questioning everything.

the government offers you all sorts of promises and hardly fulfills them and don't care if your promises are satisfied or not.

instead, they will create a false illusion that everything is under control but in reality, it isn't rather it is way out of control.

they say this shit on TV's channel's - that's why we are living so comfortably watching youtube and Instagram and shit and acting like everything is fine. it isn't - it's in shambles but by the time you realize it, it's too late my brother.

All I have to say is the time bomb is ticking - and everything will turn into a disaster and you will have no place to live in. Until you want to go to Antarctica and live with penguins.

the only solution is to:

  • Educate yourself

  • Understand what is going on around you.

You're not living in a time of peace - you're constantly in a state of war.


Until next week, 

Think Fast, Act Fast as you got no time to be laying around lazily :)