How To Learn Anything Faster

Learning is the greatest skill.

The skill that everyone wants to learn is Meta-Learning [Learning how to learn]

still, we are never taught how to learn, on which our whole lives depend - yet we are rather told to memorize things

Why is this important?

at any given point in time, you don't stop learning and that's why learning is inevitable.


let's get down to how you can learn anything faster.

Technique 1: Figuring Out

first rather than learning itself - you should put a decent amount of time into figuring out "How you are going to learn" 

try to tackle these questions as you learn:

What you will learn

What order to learn it in

How will you learn it

so if you are going to learn to play piano - then this would be appropriate:

What song will I learn to play 

In which sequence I will play it in

Who should I watch to play that?

It doesn't have to be academic-related - you can try to learn anything and don't spend too much time on this process.

Technique 2: The Focus

Focused-based learning is a lot better than unfocused-based learning.

remove the things that take away your focus from the subject. Practicing meditation and self-reflection will make your focus more intense. Your environment describes how focused you are.

Technique 3: The Gap Effect 

The most effective way to do this is:

At random times - take away your attention from what you are doing and do nothing in about 10 seconds (you can close or keep your eyes open).

During these micro tests - the area in the brain associated with learning and memory undergoes a replay of the entire thing that you are trying to learn at 20x times faster

Technique 4: Drilling In

Don't do things for the sake of doing things - do them with intention.

Here's an example: 

Exercising for the sake of exercising.


Exercising to be healthy and look good.

Your decision will be different based on your intention to do things.

Try to understand the why and why the thing works the way it does. Don't blindly follow the guidelines, and rules and take it as the way it is.

Find opportunities that make you more absorbed in the work.

It's so easy to skip foundation so be like a child - study like you are new to the concept. Ask questions - don't accept everything the way they are.

Technique 5: Testing Out

Test yourself not in the way schools taught us, where you memorize things and blurt it out on a piece of paper. Test yourself in a desirable difficulty -where you test yourself based on your level.

that's why games are so addicting - why?

because the character in the games goes through level by level of difficulty of which it is capable of - and which is not the case in real life.

here everyone goes through the same level even though they are at different levels in terms of experience and skills.

Technique 6: Get early Wins:

so what do I mean by getting early wins is: Getting feedback  

In the beginning, when you start doing things, getting feedback is crucial.

where you need a shot of positivity and enthusiasm - rather than critical feedback.

The positive feedback gives you courage and motivation, which makes you learn faster.

That's why coaches are important - they very carefully give you feedback which leads you to become better.

Technique 7: Spaced-Repetition

To make something stored in your long-term memory, you need to practice this. Repeating things at spaced intervals.

After you have learned something, Do it again after 12 hours, 24 hours, 2 days so on. (The cycle of repetition is based on you, and how often you want to do it)

It's like muscle memory - the more you the better you come at it.

Technique 8: Teach

Teach what you learn - don't be like "I don't want to teach until I'm an expert at it". 


"You don't learn by putting stuff into your mind - you learn by taking stuff out of your brain and making something." 

You only get better at something when you break it down to their level of understanding. You can only do that If you have a good understanding of the concept.

So we don't learn better from experts - we learn better from people who are just one step ahead of us.

that's all...

here's a quick conclusion:

1. Figuring Out

2. Focus

3. Gap Effect 

4. Drilling In

5. Testing Out

6. Early Wins

7. Spaced-Repetition

8. Teach


Until next week, 

Follow Your Obsession :)