How To Achieve Anything

Hey đź‘‹,

The sun’s freaking shining bright today, isn’t it???


let’s get right into it …

If a person would sit down, let their body relax, and then start to visualize in their mind and see themselves as they want to see themselves.

like for real, visualize what you want to have - want to do - want to experience.

Dream as big as you can because you can't fail here.

Now understand that's a picture in your mind and then take that picture and describe it. write it down in the present tense (for example: I'm a content creator who earns $5,000 a month)

It doesn't have to be this.

You can go crazy here and Imagination is your only limit here, believe me.

Write something that you truly want and make sure it is in the present tense, and start to read it, read it, and read it every day, carry it around, and keep reading it every day.

Dream big, start small, and make it happen. Develop a plan and take it one step at a time.

The one point where all the great teachers all down through history have all agreed on.

we become what we think about and it's true to the fact.


it's not just from news but from everything and everywhere you go and listen to - all concludes to one thing - making you impose self-limiting beliefs on yourself.

Which is making you think you can't do this and you're not worthy of it and basically who decides this, who decides on what you can do, and what you can't do.

The only limits are the ones you set yourself. Breakthrough self-doubs and arise.

Now pay close attention to me.

what you see and believe will eventually become your reality - and who you wish to become will also become your reality.

It may be fantasy at first, and it even might appear to us as being a lie but if you read it often enough, you will start to believe it - this is what the law of manifestation or attraction or whatever you wanna call it.

You would have heard this - you attract what you are. Now If you still don't believe me, then look at this.


"Believing in your belief will create a fact, you will see a person's personality change"

- William James said

Now the same goes for lies too, like you have been told from your childhood

  • go to school,

  • get good marks

  • go to college

  • get a degree

  • get a job,

    play it safe, you've got so much to live.

Now you operate from this perspective that going to school - college and getting a job is the way of living a life, isn't it? this is what happens 99% of the time.

you do what others tell you and see where you end up:

- you end up being mediocre

- you lose all your potential and creativity

- you work on a soul-crushing job and earn a minimum wage

Then you look back on life on what you could have been, if you knew it earlier and by the time you realize it, it's already late or you could be on your deathbed.

Who knows?

If this still doesn't wake the f out of you, I don't know what will.

there are many examples I can give you.

As long as you stop the old talk (self-limiting beliefs and saying you can't do), put effort into what you want, and repeat it.

You have an opportunity to basically achieve anything.

There are no coincidences in life, why?


Everything is divine intervention. That is the law of attraction. Your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions create your reality.

The message is to have trust and faith. All opportunities that come your way are for you. Learn to live present in every moment. The presence of mind is extremely important so live in every moment.


The life that you have is the life that you choose, but the problem is that people are afraid of assuming responsibility for their actions.

That's why you will hear that successful people tell you that they are "Self-made" and unsuccessful people won't.

but in actuality, they are both self-made.

So what do we learn???

Stop wishing and start doing things with Intention and focus, you can accomplish any goal.

let me leave you with this, for you to contemplate on.

To get something you never had, you have to do something that you never did.


Until next week, 

Try to pull things from your mind into reality :)